What does it mean to cooperate with spirit?
Many of us consider our “role” here on Earth daily if not many times a day. And that comes up in our daily decisions, especially about what to do for work and also in our relationships. The absolute best way to make your decisions about anything would be to get into your spirit first. Find a way to cooperate with the Divine. You may be asking, “How do I do this? Or what does that even mean?”
When you are fully in your spirit, you are making decisions for the highest good, for everyone involved. Sometimes this means telling the ego part of us “not right now.” And that can be hard because the ego LOVES to be in charge. It’s that part of you that likes you to feel safe. But the wonderful thing about living a spirit guided life is that when you make decisions from this higher place, you will always feel guided and blessed (after all, you are energy and your energy is connected to everything giving you answers all the time.) What happens for most is they neglect, or tune out of their connection and ignore the signs and signals they are receiving at all moments. This usually results in a person being too heavily weighted in the ego realm and it can cause major disturbances within their field. And usually, those closest to them will feel it too and it can make them feel uncomfortable as well. This is why a tuned in person may say things like, “I just can’t be around this person or that situation right now.” They are picking up a disturbance and not really sure how to handle being in that wiggy energy field.
So what is the best way to live?
Get yourself fully into your spirit AND get others into their spirit when making group or family decisions. This leads to everyone following the path they are meant to be on. And it results in more happiness and joy for everyone involved. You will also find yourself and others having new experiences that you wouldn’t ordinarily have but are meant to experience.
How do you cooperate with spirit?
You must first discover when your ego is taking the main stage. This often shows up as indecision, depression and blaming. It’s easy to slip into a state of negativity when living in the ego because the ego would have you believe ANYTHING to keep you right where you are. The reason it does this is because it likes safety and comfort (even if the comfort is not such a great place. This kind of comfort is more like “I know what to expect.”) Spirit, however, resides in the unknown, which can feel unsure and terrifying to most. A cooperation with spirit exists when you no longer believe in or give power to your fears.
It’s normal to have fears. Just start recognizing them as your ego trying to keep you safe. And in the meantime, surrender them for just a little bit so you can step into a new creative space of flow. This means you will be trying new things, breaking old habits, crushing bad programming and discovering parts of you that you never thought existed. It’s pretty cool stuff, and it’s really eye opening when you start to realize how much you were being held back by your fears.
Be wary of thinking you must do things a certain way. Cooperating with spirit is very much like you are dancing with a partner and they have the lead. The DIVINE is your leader is this dance called life. The more you try to lead when the Divine is showing you the way already, the more you will stumble and trip. Let go, look for signals, and step with the Divine. The more you practice this, the better dancer you will become. And just wait and watch what amazing things you can do that you never thought possible.
Cooperating means letting go of stubbornness, releasing the need for things to go a certain way or be just so. Trust me, you have no idea what’s in store! This is partly why I believe goal setting should just be thrown out the window completely. It’s okay to set marks for yourself, but they will quickly become limitations if you are truly living a spirit guided life. If you must, use them as markers, and then be flexible and allow them to drop away. Part of this process is being grateful for the experiences you have in every moment as these are the opportunities to release anything that might be a disturbance in your energy.
Keep stepping. When you are learning to dance with spirit, cooperating means you must keep going. Just because you trip or make a mistake doesn’t mean that’s the end of the dance! There is no judgement in pure energy. There is only love and direction. See the mistake as a clear sign that this wasn’t the way. During the dance, you are constantly improving, always finding your way- wayfinding. The key to learning the dance is to keep doing it until you have it down. At some point, those BIG fears you were feeling in the beginning won’t be so big anymore. You will welcome new experiences with open arms because you will start to realize that great things only come to those who dare to dance.
Be fierce with it. There’s nothing more fun and exciting than to see someone do the dance with vigor. If you are going to dance with the Divine, there is no halfway. You must go all in and you must really let go. We can all tell if you are dancing in the ego state because you’ll be looking at us like, “Am I doing this right? What if I step wrong? I’m not sure I was cut out for this. Oh no, everyone is looking at me funny.” Cooperating with spirit means saying “So what!” As Lady Gaga says, “Just Dance!”
You will see with time, that as you cooperate with spirit more and more, your worries about whether you are doing it right will fall away. Part of this is learning how to do the dance first. Once you’ve got the steps down and released the controls, then you can step out and just have fun with it. The form becomes formless at this point and that is when you will feel all lit up from the inside and it will radiate out for all to see.