Learn how Amethyst can help you find calm and tap into your creativity!

Amethyst Symbolism-
This beautiful lilac, purple crystal symbolizes compassion, sincerity, and wisdom.
It was often used by major healers and religious figures throughout history because of it’s calming yet powerful effects. It was also used to ward off drunkeness or overindulgence and to instill a sober, calm mind. It helps one connect with their true passion and bring about the fire and energy to create from a spiritual place.
Amethyst meaning history and culture-
The word “Amethyst” comes from the Greek meaning “without drunkeness,” as it was believed to protect one from poison. Ancient Egyptians used the Amethyst to guard against guilty and fearful feelings. In many cultures, this crystal has been used as a stone of protection and is considered a very powerful stone. It has long been used to open the spiritual and psychic centers. Many use it as a meditation aid and wear it in necklaces and bracelets. It is known as the Bishop’s stone and is still worn by many Catholic Bishops because the Amethyst symbolizes piety, sincerity, wisdom and spiritual connection. Historically, the Amethyst was considered a very precious gem, worth as much as diamonds.
About Amethyst Gem-
Crystalline Quartz in shades of purple, lilac, and mauve. This quartz forms as transparent, terminated crystals in all sizes. They form in geodes, clusters and long single terminations. It is the presence of manganese in clear quartz with various amounts of iron which creates the purple coloration. It is sometimes mixed with white quartz as found in Chevron Amethyst. It can also be found mixed with Citrine to form a purple/orange hued crystal called Ametrine. And in rare cases, it can be found rutilated as with Goethite.
Benefits of Meditating with Amethyst-
It is believed that when one meditates with Amethyst, it helps one to dream more vividly and it clears up insomnia. You can put an Amethyst stone under your pillow at night and quietly meditate as you drift off to sleep. This crystal will help to still the mind and inspire a meditative state. It has a high spiritual vibrational frequency and creates a protective shield of light around the user. It especially allows one to keep a clear mind while they pursue spiritual endeavors. It has long been used by artists and inventors to help them tap into their creativity. This crystal will bring about greater understanding in difficult situations, so it is often used to help those who have lost someone, as it helps with grieving and brings one to a more peaceful state. It allows one to surrender to that which is greater than the self, stimulating access of the higher self and helping one to be fully open to spiritual wisdom and guidance.

Health and Healing Benefits of Amethyst-
Amethyst is worn by and used by healers and is considered a very powerful crystal because it helps to focus healing energy. Healers wear several pieces of Amethyst set into jewelry, especially as necklaces. The person being healed will be instructed to hold an Amethyst in their hand and then the healer may place an Amethyst on the part of the body that needs healing. Amethyst is best used for problems of the blood or lungs. Amethyst crystal clusters are very helpful for clearing the air and keeping the life force of your home or workplace positive and clean. Amethyst is great for easing anxiety leading to tension and headaches. You can rub an Amethyst across your forehead to help cure headaches. This crystal gives off a very soothing vibration. It helps one connect with their third eye and feel very calm. It can help to soothe aches and pains brought about from arthritis or bruising. It is especially supportive of the emotional body, bringing those who feel overworked and overwhelmed back to their center.
I hope you enjoyed this article about Amethyst and it’s healing properties. If you would like to learn more about crystals, you may want to read The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall. I keep this book on hand as a guidebook and refer to it often to learn about crystals applications and uses.
Please comment below if you would like to share your experience with amethyst or feel free to ask your crystal meditation questions!
Much love and light,
Mandy G.