Discover Your Energy Healing Meditation for the Ears
In this session, we discuss reasons why you may be experiencing issues with the ears, what might be causing hearing distortions and how to tap into your audible gifts to manifest a life of abundance and happiness.
This energy healing meditation will help address physical, emotional, and energetic symptoms such as hearing loss, ringing in the ears, vertigo, ear infections, hearing things, clairaudience, sensitivities to noise, problems with being heard, and much more.
Energy Healing for the Ears
Most of you know about the 7 basic chakras, but did you know that there are energy centers around the ears? These ear chakras are connected to our clairaudience, or ability to hear messages from Source and our own intuition.
When the ears are blocked or if the energy in these areas is stagnant, it can manifest in the body with physical symptoms such as earache or ringing in the ears. You can visit this article on energy healing for the ear chakras to explore the reasons why the ear chakras might become blocked and how you can do energy work to heal these areas.
Energy Healing Meditation for the Ears
We’ve included an energy healing meditation for the ears so you can practice tuning in and connecting to your energy field.
Amanda Gatlin is not a doctor and makes no medical claims. By registering for this product you agree to our disclaimer.
Here is the video for the energy healing for the ears meditation. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel here to be notified of more meditations.
Much love to you!
Mandy Gatlin