Learn how Herkimer Diamond can help you manifest your dreams with lightning speed!

Herkimer Diamonds are a brilliantly clear quartz crystal which helps one to connect to spiritual energy. Because they are transparent and manifest pure light, they are extremely useful as a healing crystal, to help one manifest their dreams, to aid with vision work and as a conduit to Universal Life Force Energy. They can help you see your dreams more clearly and allow you to overcome any doubts or fears so that you may reach higher states of consciousness.
Herkimers are known for their extreme clarity. They are quartz crystals which have 18 facets (6 sides) and two terminations. While most of the sought after Herkimers are extremely clear and transparent looking, they also come cloudy, smokey or containing carbon impurities. This special crystal helps you to access more clarity. It works by clearing any doubts or fears, and it makes you see your “stuff.” “Why would anyone want to do this,” you may ask. Well, once you face your fears, you realize that you created them and they aren’t real. You start to realize that you have a choice as to what kinds of thoughts and beliefs you will buy into. Once you face these fears head-on, you realize that they doesn’t seem so scary.
Herkimer Diamonds get their name from the place where they are mined from, Herkimer County, New York. They were first discovered in the village of Middleville and the city of Little Falls, so they are also called Middleville diamond or Little Falls diamond. Double pointed quartz crystals have also been found in Tibet and Afganistan, as well as other countries. Similar clear quartz are found in Payson, Arizona and these crystals are named Payson Diamonds after the area they are found in.

How to work with Herkimer Diamonds in Meditation:
This crystal can be used to amplify the energy of other crystals or stones and it also helps to stimulate healing by bringing more light to the energy body. These crystals work to clear any blocks or energy debris that may be attached to you. As you meditate with Herkimer, you will find that your environment feels clearer and more pure as it cleans psychic pollution, negative energy and radioactivity and electromagnetic energy which may cause stress. To meditate with Herkimer Diamond, you may hold it in your hand or place it on your brow while laying down. Herkimer assists you with clearing your mind and body so that you can have a higher connection to your spirit. It opens the crown and third eye chakra points. You will reach a deep relaxation point with this crystal as it helps to open up your higher chakras and brings you to a deep meditative state. You can also enhance the softer energy of other crystals or stones by holding one crystal in one hand and a Herkimer in the other hand while you meditate. The Herkimer will amplify the energy of the other stone as it clears your vibration and allows for the vibration of the other stone to have a greater impact.
Benefits to working with Herkimer:
Clears away pain as it purifies
Helps with poor circulation in areas of the body (simply meditate and place the stone on that part of the body!)
Rids body of toxins
Prevents exhaustion and burnout
Stimulates immunity
Releases tension and realigns body, creates more balance
Helps DNA and cells to recall highest state of vibration, memory to help with healing
Stores information- this clear stone can be used as a memory bank!
Assists with study time and reseach
Can be programmed for thoughts of love, well-being and healing
Brings harmonious state
Encourages us to clear body and mind of fears
Illuminates and uplifts
Clears judgments of the self and others
Reminds us that we have nothing to fear
Amplifies energy
Bring positivity and clarity
Angelic connection
Brings grace and higher self to our decisions
Assists with clairvoyance and clairaudience
Helps with telepathic communication
Powerful for astral travel- opens the door wider!
Sending and receiving energy
If you would like to clear your room or space in your home, place a Herkimer or a few Herkimer Diamonds in a window. They help to disperse positive energy throughout a room. The sunlight or natural light will transfer through a Herkimer and then emanate out. They will sparkle and create prisms throughout your space and will not only help to rid the space of negative energies that you might bring in from the day, but they will set up a grid of light that will help to create harmony and balance in your space so that you will begin to vibrate in that state and then feel clearer and more connected to Source! Be prepared for visits from angels in your dreams and let them bring you new ideas and help you overcome and let go of any fears!!! If you would like to order your own Herkimer Diamond to work with, please click here.
Please enjoy this Herkimer Diamond Meditation!
If you enjoyed this article and meditation on Herkimer Diamonds, and would like to delve deeper, head over to the Discover Your Energy 28 Day Meditation Journey! This program is designed to help you access your own energy, awaken your gifts, open you energy and connect you to higher frequencies!
Much love and LIGHT to you!