Chakras are the life force or vital energy centers which correspond to points in the physical body. They are rotating wheels of energy which are naturally balanced. However, when they become imbalanced, we start to see signs in our physical body.
If a chakra is moving too fast or slow, it will cause a feeling of agitation. We may feel dissatisfied but not know why! An energetic imbalance among the chakras will show up in our physical bodies as disease and even mental depression.
Free Chakra Guide
The key is to keep the chakras cleared and balanced and to use them as a guide to let us know when something is up. Often times, when the heart chakra is agitated, it is because we have lost touch with our feelings and sensations. We start to feel dissatisfied and so we start to look outside the self for happiness. When people live in their heads too much, feelings become pushed aside. They start to reside in their heads more and more and create thoughts and mental images. As the energy flow to the head chakra increases and the energy flow to the heart chakra lessens, the dissatisfaction increases. Without nurturing feelings of the heart, a subtle form of anxiety arises which results in the self constantly reaching out for experiences. We must learn to distribute the energy evenly between the head and the heart chakras. This is the only way one is able to get into true contact with one’s senses and touch real feelings.
Learn More About Your Energy Color
Sit with a friend and hold your hands up to them. Close your eyes for a few minutes and try to sense the energy around this person. The energy field around all of us is called the aura. It’s an electromagnetic energy field. Everyone’s field is different. It’s kind of like your fingerprint. Now, read their energy. Does it feel wirey or calm? Is it big or small? Does the energy feel hot or cold? If you can sense or see the color, what color do you see?
This Chakra guide can help you match up the color you are seeing in the person’s overall aura. Chakras are the 7 main energy centers that run up the body, and they are each associated with a color. The aura is an outside reflection of those energy centers and they start with red being closest to the body and purple and white being the furthest away. Knowing what your main color is can help you understand the type of person you are, what you are best suited for, and how to best use your gifts!
Find your Chakra color below to get a description
Red Chakra: Red is associated with your base chakra, which is your security and protection. If you could picture bands of color around your being, red would be the closest one to you. It creates the barrier between your field and the outside world. This chakra is located at the base of your spine. It is associated with your adrenals (your fight or flight organs). This chakra relates to earthly issues, the physical body and financial matters. When this chakra is blocked, you may not feel completely grounded. You may feel unmotivated. If it’s overactive, you may feel aggressive and hyperactive. People who are RED can sense others physical problems, but they must be careful not to absorb others illnesses and problems. People with this color can help others see what illness they have and then release it. If you are a RED, look into hands-on healing. You might already be a doctor, nurse, police officer or fire fighter. People probably lean on your shoulder for comfort and support, and you are just fine with that because you have broad shoulders to handle it. Just know when to say goodbye to the people who need help, and do not take on their energy.
Orange Chakra: Now move up to your navel and imagine the spot two fingers below it. This is your sacral chakra which is associated with the color orange. If you were looking at your aura, the band of orange resides just outside the red one. This band helps you to screen feelings and emotions. It’s related to desires and creativity. This chakra also relates to sex drive. If this chakra is overactive, you may feel worried or possessive. If it’s underactive, you might have a lower sexual drive or feel introverted. This chakra is about enjoying life with passion. People who have a lot of orange in their aura feel sympathy for others. They can pick up others emotions and decipher them easily. They may also end up absorbing others feelings because they are empathic, so they need to be careful to distinguish between others feelings and their own. People with orange are very creative and could be artists. They can also be intuitive guides for people.
Yellow Chakra: Move up to your Solar Plexus Chakra which is between your navel and rib cage. This chakra deals with power, confidence and self esteem. The yellow aura helps you filter ideas and beliefs. This is a major psychic receptor area. If you feel with your gut and are clairsentient (meaning you feel stuff psychically), then this chakra is an important one for you. When this chakra is moving correctly, you will feel balanced and confident. When it’s out of whack, you may experience stomach disorders and feel nervous or worried a lot. If you are the color yellow, you usually know what others are thinking and believing, and you should be careful to distinguish others beliefs from your own. People with the color yellow would be good at hearing what someone’s beliefs are and then clarifying the issue for them. Any kind of therapist or coach probably has some yellow in their aura.
Green Chakra and sometimes Pink Chakra: The next chakra is your Heart Chakra and it’s associated with the color green and sometimes pink. It’s located at your heart and represents compassion, love and joy. This chakra is your center chakra and it’s your connection to mind, body and spirit. A balanced heart chakra means that you can transform any past hurts into love. An overactive heart chakra means you have anger and jealousy. An underactive one leads to feelings of being unloved or lacking compassion for yourself or others. People with the color green are all about relationships. They can sense others needs and desires and may feel compelled to fulfill them. This should be done with care. Make sure to not assume responsibility for others needs. People who reside in the heart chakra have very open hearts and are often volunteers for organizations. They act with compassion and may have some trouble with wanting to get paid for their services. Someone’s who is balanced in this chakra can learn to be okay with getting paid for their efforts.
Skyblue Chakra: Skyblue relates with the fifth chakra, the throat, which is associated with communication and sounds. Have you been clearing your throat a lot or get sore throats? That’s a sign that your throat chakra needs some work. Your throat chakra is more balanced when you are able to speak your truth clearly. When it’s underactive, you resist change and don’t speak your mind. When it’s overactive, you may speak aggressively towards others. The skyblue color in someone’s aura indicates that they are in tune with guidance. They are clairaudiant, meaning they can hear messages from spirit, sometimes in the form of music, words, or tones. People with skyblue can often channel. They make excellent speakers writers and actors. They usually speak their truth and would be a great asset to any organization trying to push for change.
Indigo Chakra and sometimes Purple Chakra: The indigo colors relates to the Third Eye which is located between your eyebrows. This chakra deals with clairvoyance (or being able to “see” psychically). If this chakra isn’t moving fast enough, you may feel scared to move forward or come into your own. If it’s moving too fast, you might be worrying too much or get headaches. Meditating, exercising and breathing can help balance this chakra. People who reside in this sixth chakra can read other people’s auras easily, can sometimes see the future and often see images in their mind’s eye. They would be good at helping others to heal by helping them see things that they might be missing. People with the indigo color are very often open to various choices and can help you with seeing both sides of the coin. Someone who trusts in their ability to see in this way would be very good at making tough decisions. People who are indigo would be good entrepreneurs or managers of companies.
Clear or White Chakra: The final chakra is your Crown Chakra located at the top of the head. This is your link to your higher self. It’s your connection to your spiritual wisdom. Positive energy enters thru your crown chakra and energizes you when this chakra is balanced. When this chakra is not flowing right, you can feel depressed, unhappy, disconnected, and blocked from inspiration. Yoga, meditation, and breath work are great for opening up your crown chakra. People who reside in this seventh chakra are spiritually sympathetic. They are good are bringing a calming, peaceful energy to those around them. They can help sense purpose or destiny for others and they often work with angels or guides. They are very connected to spirit and may use prayer or intention with healing. They may be healers or priests.
A little tip for finding your own chakra color:
If you don’t have a friend, you can read about each of the chakras and see if one or two stand out as the predominate ones for you right now. Also, you can close your eyes and picture all of the chakras in front of you, the rainbow of colors from red at the base all the way up to white at the top. Allow yourself to relax and see which one or two stand out from all the others. Knowing which color stands out can help you tune in to that chakra and see if it’s balanced. And this particular chakra also gives you hints about your purpose and path!
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