Learn why the playful spirit animal dolphin totem has entered your life!
The Meaning of Dolphin
Dolphins remind us of our duality, the yin and yang aspects, and that we always come back to center naturally. We may stray outside of center at times, but our spirit will always guide us back, we always spiral back to center which is our most happy and peaceful state. Groups of dolphins work together to bring balance to their home in the ocean, even making contact with humans to ensure that there is a balance and that the communities on land and in the sea work together to bring harmony. With a graceful intelligence, dolphins communicate that the most important thing is that there is balance. They teach us to constantly check in with our spirit to see if what is being said or done resonates with us.
Because dolphins have taken on the responsibility of bringing balance to the seas, they have earned the title “king of the ocean.” They seem to have a deeper understanding of what is best for all, and they convey this in a positive way. They do this by constantly checking in. What I mean by this is they always test out what is going on with how they feel in each moment, and if something starts to feel tense or difficult, they immediately make a shift for the better, instead choosing a more playful state. Because they have they ability, I truly believe they are even more evolved than humans 😉
Dolphin Communication to Raise Vibration
Dolphins use telepathy to communicate to one another, and they are very tuned in to their core selves. They constantly dialogue with their inner being, using a type of “inner speak” to check in with their spirit to to see if things feel right. Once they get the confirmation that things feel right, they acknowledge that answer by showing it on the outside, through their playful nature. They are constantly making choices that elevate them and get them to that most peaceful, playful state. They show it off so that their friends can also confirm this feeling and validate it amongst the community. In this regard, they are helping each other reach higher and higher levels of vibration. They are a community working together to bring harmony and happiness. They do this easily and swiftly, teaching us that it’s best not to analyze and fester, but rather tap into what feels good from within and just follow that!
Dolphins represent:
Spiritual Lessons from Dolphin
My favorite lesson from dolphins was when I went to a dolphin preserve. The trainers were very attuned to the dolphins needs, and I watched as the trainers stayed very aware of how well the dolphins responded to commands. As soon as the dolphins started to ignore cues, this meant the dolphins had grown bored and the trainers came to understand that if the dolphins were not allowed to go take breaks and play and be themselves, then they would start to slowly become aggressive, almost fighting for their own spirit. If they were being worked too hard, at some point, they let the trainers know and then the trainers respectfully let the dolphins go swim and be free. It was critical that the dolphins could revert back to their playful nature so that they could feel as ease once again.
Spirit Animal Dolphin
The spirit animal dolphin has long been a messenger of wellbeing and “to thine heart be true.” Many cultures and religions depict the dolphin as a messenger of finding balance within the spirit. Christians have used the dolphin as an aspect of Christ, representing the dolphin as a symbol of resurrection (connecting to the Source that resides within). Some artistic renditions represent this by showing dolphins transporting the spirits of the faithful to Christ’s side upon leaving their physical bodies.
Cultural Meaning of Dolphin
In ancient Greece, the dolphin was representative of both the sun, or god Apollo, and the moon, Aphrodite. The same dolphin symbolism is mimicked in ancient Greece where legend tells us the dolphin was responsible for carrying the souls of the dead to the Islands of the Blessed.
In Celtic animal symbolism, the dolphin is a highly honored creature as it was seen as the protector of sacred wells and sacred water. The dolphin, or Deilf to the Celts, is the watcher of the waters, and imparts communication skills, understanding the power of rhythm in their lives, knowledge of the sea, and uses breath to release intense emotions and works with water as an element of magick. To the Celts, Deilf reminds people to take time to play and be merry.
Meaning of Dolphins in Everyday Life
There are countless tales of dolphins interacting with humans in friendly, even protective ways. Dolphins have long been a favorite sea creature to man, representing compassion, caring, community and generous spirit. They always seem to be reaching out to connect with humans, and we have grown to respect them as powerful yet graceful friends who live in the sea. I have lots of fond memories of boating and watching large communities of dolphins swim alongside the boat in a playful yet respective way, as if they came up to just say hello.
Symbolism of Dolphin
The symbolism of dolphin reminds us to reside in our spirit, go back to the womb and the “embryonic field.” The term delphi is noteworthy as the Greek word for dolphin and its derivative, delphys means womb. The womb is representative of your core and place of creation. When you reside there, you are at most peace and fully centered. The dolphin reminds us that we may feel fractured and not whole when we separate ourselves from others and when we focus on duality. In nature, the dolphin is always at play, no matter whether they are hunting for food or trying to protect. They are always centered around being in this most basic state of playfulness regardless of what is going on around them. They fight for balance in the sea, and they always strive for a lighthearted community. They work at obtaining a peaceful, stable home within the ocean, making sure that all the creatures are at one with one another. Their mission is to make the sea a peaceful and happy place to reside, and they have grown to understand that this peace starts with them.
Dolphins in Dreams or Meditation
The next time you see a dolphin in your meditation or dream, ask yourself the following:
Are you feeling separate from everyone and everything?
In what ways are you not listening to cues from your spirit?
Have you been feeling tired, frustrated, angry or unsatisfied and not doing anything about it?
What things lift your spirit?
What makes you feel more playful and lighthearted?
What makes you smile?
How can you incorporate more playfulness into your life?
Can you in include time for fun during your work day? or even better, find a job that’s more fun?
The key is to always come back to the self and check in. Listening to those gentle cues from your spirit can help guide you to your happiness!
More about Animal Totems
If you enjoyed this article on Dolphin Symbolism, then check out this book about messages from animals titled Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. Learn to interpret signs and messages coming from animals. They are amazing messengers and provide you with signs about your everyday life. This is a great read for learning how animals act as our spirit guides!
Much love and light as you connect to your spirit animal!
Mandy G.