Learn what the animal totem ladybug has in store for you! What does finding a ladybug mean?
I went up to Mt. Baldy, California for a hike recently and had the most amazing experience. I walked along the road leading to my hike and looked up. My eyes gazed out to the beautiful mountains before me and the sun shone through the trees and dancing in the light were thousands of bugs. At first I thought they were gnats or bees, but as I focused in and looked up above me, holding my hand up, a little lady bug flew over and landed on my arm. They were ladybugs, thousands of them, buzzing around at a calm pace, just floating through the air. I started to walk along on the trail and took this particular bug for a hike with me, and she provided me with many messages about how to live in the present moment.
Ladybug Totem, What is the Meaning of LadyBug
When ladybug comes as your totem, she signifies that you can leave your worries behind and that new happiness is on it’s way. Ladybugs have a protective armor in black and red which signifies that they know how to defend themselves. The message from ladybug is to not be scared to live in your truth. Protect your truth and know that it is yours to honor. The ladybug is never the aggressor; she’s always cool and calm and will defend herself if need be. Ladybugs also remind us not to go too quickly through life’s experiences. Remember to enjoy the moment. Let things flow at a natural pace so that you don’t overlook opportunities that may come your way. When you allow things to flow, you will see that in due time, your wishes will become fulfilled. Ladybug is really a good luck totem. She signifies that you have done the work to protect your dreams, and now they are ready to be realized.
History of Ladybug Symbolism
It’s said that during the Middle Ages in Europe, Catholic farmers prayed to the Virgin Mary to help them with insects that were destroying their crops. Soon after, Ladybugs appeared and ate the pests that were destroying the crops. The farmers called the Ladybugs “the Beetles of our Lady,” and eventually they just became known as Lady Beetles. The red wings of the Ladybug are said to represent the Virgin’s cloak and the black spots are her joys and sorrows.
Ladybug Symbolizes Good luck
Ladybug is considered a symbol of luck and she is a good omen in many cultures. In Sweden, if a Ladybug lands on a young woman’s hand, it is said that she will soon be married. In France, if you are ill and a Ladybug lands on you, it is believed that the Ladybug will carry away your illness when she flies away.
Messages from Ladybug Insect Totem
Ladybugs are also a symbol of fire or the sun and represent a rebirth or renewal of belief. They ultimately teach us that life is short and that we should set our worries aside and trust in spirit and enjoy life. Ladybug’s message is to live life with a light heart and “let go and let God.”
More about Animal Totems
If you enjoyed this article on Ladybug Symbolism, then check out this book about messages from animals titled Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. Learn to interpret signs and messages coming from animals. They are amazing messengers and provide you with signs about your everyday life. This is a great read for learning how animals act as our spirit guides!
Much love as you communicate with your messengers!
Mandy G.